"A disease-free world" It is one of the common quests for all living kind across the
globe. Whilst we
acknowledge the significant advancements and discoveries in health sciences, the quest to find a cure
for many diseases remain a global challenge, which warrant continuous and extensive research
contributions from all disciplines, worldwide.
1. Funding Projects
- Academic research and writing is an investigation and writing based upon the idea of scientific
inquiry. Grants are “gift aid” that doesn’t have to be repaid and are often needed-based.
We have applied Grants for DST project and waiting for the approval.
We are upcoming with variety of Medicinal plant cultivation across 3acres with Ayush Approval.
2. MoU’s:
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU or MoU) with Doctor Thangs Products Ltd,
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU or MoU) with Akayukthi Nature Cure Centre cum Valli Herbals, Pollachi.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU or MoU) with Ponni Hospital, Palladam.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU or MoU) with KMCH Centre, Coimbatore.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU or MoU) with Shanthi Social Services.