
Character Formation:

RVS Padmavathi Ammal College of Pharmacy prioritizes the development of students' character, recognizing its profound impact on the institution's reputation. Students are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards, display integrity, and respect for others. The college fosters a culture of honesty, responsibility, and compassion among its students.

The Education Regulations 2020 (ER 2020) introduced significant changes to the D.Pharm and B.Pharm programs in India, aligning them with contemporary healthcare practices and global standards. The primary objective of ER 2020 was to enhance the quality and relevance of pharmacy education, equipping pharmacists with the necessary skills to meet the evolving demands of the healthcare industry.

Student ID Card:

All students must possess a valid identity card, which will be issued upon admission and should be presented upon request by college authorities. The identity card serves as a form of identification and is essential for accessing college facilities and services.


Regular attendance is mandatory for all students. While leaves may be granted for valid reasons, prior permission from the respective class tutor, HoD, Dean, or Registrar is required. Attendance is marked hourly, and students must maintain a minimum attendance of 75% per semester to be eligible for examinations.


To appear for examinations, students must meet the following criteria.

  • Secure 75% attendance for each semester: Regular attendance is essential for effective learning and participation in class activities.
  • Maintain satisfactory conduct and progress: Students must demonstrate good behavior and academic performance throughout the semester.
  • Students with attendance between 64% and 50% may appear for arrear examinations but not the current semester's exams: Students with attendance below 75% may still be eligible to appear for arrear examinations to clear any failed subjects.
  • Students with less than 50% attendance must repeat the course but can still appear for arrear exams: Students who have not met the minimum attendance requirement must repeat the course in the following academic year. However, they may still be eligible to appear for arrear examinations to clear any failed subjects from the previous semester.
On-Duty Attendance:

Students involved in co-curricular or extracurricular activities must obtain prior permission from the Registrar and submit a prescribed application form upon completion to claim on-duty attendance. This ensures that students are excused from regular classes for legitimate activities and can maintain their attendance record.

Attendance Marks:

Attendance marks are awarded based on the following scale:

  • Less than 75% - 0 marks: Students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirement will not be awarded any marks for attendance.
  • 75% to 80% - 2 marks: Students who achieve an attendance percentage between 75% and 80% will receive 2 marks for attendance.
  • 80.1% to 85% - 3 marks: Students who achieve an attendance percentage between 80.1% and 85% will receive 3 marks for attendance.
  • 85.1% to 90% - 4 marks: Students who achieve an attendance percentage between 85.1% and 90% will receive 4 marks for attendance.
  • 90.1% to 100% - 5 marks: Students who achieve an attendance percentage between 90.1% and 100% will receive 5 marks for attendance.

Students must apply for leave to their respective class tutor, advisor, and HoD. Sick leaves exceeding two days require a medical certificate. Leaves granted for valid reasons will be considered when calculating attendance.


Fees are divided into two semesters: odd (June-October) and even (November-March). All students are liable to pay the full semester fee within the specified deadline. Late payments may incur fines.


Students seeking transfer or conduct certificates must apply to the Registrar. Those representing the college in activities should obtain bonafide certificate.

Examination Malpractices:

Any form of cheating or misconduct during examinations will be strictly dealt with. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Scribbling on question papers: Writing or marking on the question paper, which may indicate attempts to cheat or obtain unauthorized information.
  • Possessing unauthorized materials: Bringing or using any materials that are not permitted in the examination hall, such as notes, books, electronic devices, or other aids.
  • Copying from other students or allowing others to copy from you: Engaging in any form of copying or sharing answers with other students during the examination.
  • Disrupting the examination process: Talking, passing notes, leaving the examination hall without permission, or engaging in any behavior that interferes with the examination process.
  • Attempting to cheat or help others cheat in any way: Engaging in any deceptive or fraudulent behavior related to the examination, such as impersonating another student or providing false information.

Violations of these rules may result in penalties, including:

  • Deduction of marks: Marks may be deducted from the examination or the overall grade for students found guilty of examination malpractices.
  • Cancellation of the examination: In severe cases, the student's entire examination may be canceled, resulting in a fail grade for the course.
  • Suspension or expulsion from the college: Repeat offenders or students who commit serious violations of examination rules may face disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the college.

The specific penalties for examination malpractices will be determined by the college authorities based on the severity of the offense.